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Women Writers Through History | Henrietta Liston | Scottish Botanist and Travel Writer

Updated: Jun 23

Henrietta Liston, 18th century Woman Writer
Travel Writer, Social Commentary

Henrietta Marchant Liston lived an extraordinary life as a botanist and travel writer. Although born in Antigua, she became the ward of her maternal aunt in Glasgow when her parents died. Her step-uncle educated her. Henrietta did not marry until she was forty-four years old. She married a British diplomat, Robert Liston when he was fifty-three. He was British Minister to the United States from 1796 to 1800 and British Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire from 1812 to 1820. 

While in the U.S., the Listons visited sixteen states and collected botanical specimens that she sent back to Scotland. Her journals provide deep insight into early American politics and intellect.

From 1797 Tour to the Southern States–Virginia–North & South Carolina’s

“It is common through the Southern States to have letters of recommendation to private Houses; there being often no Inns, & when there are—the accommodations very wretched. It is not, indeed, an uncommon thing, even without Introduction, to drive up to a Gentleman’s House & to be always well received.”

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Prequel to Mission 1: All in a Day's Work, a middle-grade detective book for ages 8-12.

While at a book and pizza event at the Jefferson Market Library, Sophia and Pedro discover their next adventure. The historic Greenwich Village library was once the notorious Jefferson Market Courthouse. The trials of the 1909 Triangle Shirtwaist strikers were held in the corrupt Night Court—the same room as the book event. Sophia and Pedro soon uncover the truth. The very reasons for the workers striking were what caused the tragic Triangle Shirtwaist Fire on March 25, 1911, only eleven months after the strike ended. Tragedies happen and justice can fail, but Sophia and Pedro learn they are called to stand up for what is right.

© 2023 by Susan Stoderl

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