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Colored Papers

Women Writing Through History | The Shockingly Modern Novels of Maria Edgeworth

Susan Stoderl

Updated: Oct 23, 2024

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Portrait of Maria Edgeworth, line and stipple engraving. Date, Published 1 November 1808.

Maria Edgeworth began writing in various forms in the mid-1790s in her late twenties, including novels for adults and educational books for young adults. She diverged from other writers of her time in that they depended on aristocratic supporters, while she appealed directly to the London booksellers. By living an unconventional life in an Irish backwater, her mind was open to new and different thoughts about how a lady should act, think, and write.

Castle Rackrent (1800), was published anonymously, without her father’s edits or knowledge. It is a satirical story of four generations of Anglo-Irish landlords and the mismanagement of their estates.

Belinda was a full-length, three-volume novel published in London. It told of love, courtship, and marriage. It pitted personality vs. environment, reason vs. feeling, restraint vs. individual freedom, and society vs. free spirit. In the first edition (1801) and second (1802), an English country girl marries a West Indian slave. However, the bi-racial marriage was removed in the third edition (1810) due to her father's interference. James Jackson, a white man, is substituted for the slave Juba and Belinda's possible marriage to Mr. Vincent, is changed to mere admiration for the rich West Indian Creole.

Tales of Fashionable Life (1809 and 1812) published in a two-stroy collection, focuses on a woman’s life. The second series brought such success that she came to be regarded as equal to Jane Austen.

In 1815, after The Absentee was published, Edgeworth was chastised by an American Jewish woman named Rachel Mordecai, for her stereotypical depiction of Jews. She responded to the criticism by publishing Harrington (1817), an apology to the Jewish community, in the form of a fictitious autobiography about overcoming antisemitism. The novel portrayed one of the first sympathetic Jewish characters in an English novel.


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