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Lessons From Celtic Mythology | Sleepers Awake: A Useful Metaphor for Times of Peril

Susan Stoderl

Celtic Design

I will feature posts on Celtic mythology, life, and spirituality today and on upcoming Tuesdays. The Celtic writings contain much wisdom for these turbulent times, such as “Sleepers" Awake.

In Celtic mythology, “Sleepers” refers to mythical figures, often kings or powerful beings, believed to be in a state of deep slumber within the Otherworld. They awaken when their people need them in times of crisis. Some also think of them as faeries or otherworldly beings. When Sleepers awaken, they bring extraordinary power and wisdom to defend their land. One legendary example is Fionn mac Cumhail, who awoke in the 3rd century and led a group of elite warriors to protect Ireland against invasions. His fairness, wisdom, and a deep sense of justice were renowned. In addition, he was a poet contributing to Ireland's cultural and intellectual life. Another is the Welsh King Arthur. While not strictly Celtic, the legend of King Arthur shares this motif of a sleeping king who returns to save his people.

“Sleepers” could also serve as a metaphor for the many Americans who remain quiet but believe that justice, equality, and democracy are in grave danger. These sleepers often speak to others they know to think as they do but are hesitant to speak up for various reasons, such as calling attention to themselves or fearing backlash among their peers. But if one reluctant Sleeper speaks up, hundreds or thousands of others may amplify their voice.


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