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Colored Papers

Lessons From Celtic Mythology | Choosing Kindness and Compassion Over Rudeness in Irish Triads

Susan Stoderl
Irish Triad 82

The Irish Triads, also known as Trecheng Breth Féne, are a collection of about 256 Old Irish triads compiled close to 850 CE. Triads are groups of three items or concepts with a common characteristic or theme. They cover many topics, including nature, geography, law, customs, and human behavior. Not all of the entries in these manuscripts are in three-related line forms. There are three with two related lines, seven with four related lines, one with nine associated lines, and thirty-one single items relating to monasteries at the start of the collection. The only edition in print is that of Kuno Meyer, PhD published in 1906. He based his text on six manuscripts. However, three more sources have been discovered since that time, so a new critical edition is needed.

Anyone feel like boning up on their Old Irish?


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