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Literacy | College Degrees are Worth the Cost

Susan Stoderl

Updated: Oct 23, 2024

A woman thinking
College Degrees are Worth the Cost

An April 26, 2023, Washington Post article entitled “A college degree is worth the cost—and then some,” Christopher L. Eisgruber, President of Princeton University, brought up a shocking fact. Currently, 56 percent of Americans now believe a college degree is not worth the money according to a survey conducted by the Wall Street Journal and independent research institute NORC at the University of Chicago. Ten years ago, the survey found that 40 percent of Americans felt that way, an increase of 16 percent. He believes this belief is due to “hyperbolic discounting bias,” which translates to exaggerating the upfront costs and discounting future payoffs.

Recently, college attendance has been associated with crushing student loan burdens. However, this is exaggerated. Only a few students pay full tuition. Most undergraduates get financial aid or other discounts. Highly literate high school students who work hard throughout their education can often attend college tuition-free, being only responsible for room and board.

According to the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities, 42% of students at four-year public universities finished their bachelor’s degree with zero debt, 78% had less than $30,000 in debt, and only 4% had more than $60,000. Students with over $100,000 in debt made up .05%. A student graduating with less than $30,000 in federal loans would have a payment of about $275 a month. It is possible to get an income-driven repayment plan wherein students can pay 10% of their discretionary income.

Extra Benefits of a Four-Year Degree

  • Typical earnings for bachelor’s degree holders are $36,000 or 84 percent higher than those with only a high school diploma.

  • College graduates, on average, make $1.2 million more over their lifetime.

  • Bachelor’s degree holders are 47% more likely to have health insurance provided through their job and typically their employers contribute 74% more to their health coverage.

  • Life expectancy is also longer for those who attend college. They can expect an extra seven years.

Most of my life was spent as a legal administrative assistant. Of the assistants, only one had some college, most had a bachelor’s degree, and some had one or more master’s degrees. The longest I was unemployed was one week, usually two or three days. My Master’s degree loan amount was $22,000.


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