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Calling all Teachers, Librarians, and Parents | Lists and More Lists of Middle-Grade and Teen Books by Topic

Books for Teachers, Librarians and Parents
Looking for a Book on a Certain Topic?

I discovered a fabulous source for educators, parents, and librarians.

The website focuses on various kinds of books for middle-grade and teens. Under the tab “Books & Authors” you'll discover themed book lists covering the following subjects.


Bullies Be Gone! | Mental Health: Empathy and Understanding |

School Shootings: Trying to Understand the Unthinkable 


Lists of books on characters and cultural themes of the following cultures: American Indians | Asian American and Pacific Islander | Black | Latinx | Middle Eastern | LGBTQ+|  Transgender.


Multicultural Biography, Autobiography, and Memoir | Civil Rights | Race and American History | Immigration and Refugees | Powerful Voices: Inspiring Females | Multicultural Fantasy | On the Autism Spectrum: MG and YA Voices and Stories


Stories About All Kinds of Families | Everyday Life | Helping Hands—Stories About Giving | Romance and Relationships | Summer Fun.


Air and Space | Press Play | Spies Like Us | Techies | TV Tie-ins


Hunger Games, Divergent & Matched | The Inheritance Games and Glittering Court Trilogy


The Era of Abraham Lincoln, Slavery, and the Civil War | The White House and Its Residents | Contemporary Prejudice | Themed Booklists | Jewish Children’s Experiences During World War II | Those Who Risked Their Lives in WWII | WWII Soldiers’ Stories | Themed Booklists | The Japanese, Japanese-American, and American Perspectives | Other Holocausts | The Concentration Camps


Biographies | Fantasy | Myths and Folktales |Nonfiction for Teens | Poetry | Revisiting the Classics | Picture Books for Teens | Audiobooks | Novels in Verse | Short Stories

I think you’ll find many interesting options here and hope they are helpful.

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Prequel to Mission 1: All in a Day's Work, a middle-grade detective book for ages 8-12.

While at a book and pizza event at the Jefferson Market Library, Sophia and Pedro discover their next adventure. The historic Greenwich Village library was once the notorious Jefferson Market Courthouse. The trials of the 1909 Triangle Shirtwaist strikers were held in the corrupt Night Court—the same room as the book event. Sophia and Pedro soon uncover the truth. The very reasons for the workers striking were what caused the tragic Triangle Shirtwaist Fire on March 25, 1911, only eleven months after the strike ended. Tragedies happen and justice can fail, but Sophia and Pedro learn they are called to stand up for what is right.

© 2023 by Susan Stoderl

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